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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

Recreational youth summer soccer in Great Falls, MT

Summer 2022 Registration

There is no in-person registration, only on-line. There will be no late registration and no refunds. If you wish to join after the registration is closed you will be placed on a waitlist and may be called based on availability. 

Cost is $60 for EPIC/Playground, $70/player for 6U and $90/player for all other divisions, plus service fee. There is a $15 discount for siblings when registered together. 

Every player will be provided with a game jersey, shorts, and socks. Players must have their own shin guards and athletic shoes or soccer cleats (no shoes with toe cleats), and bring their own water to every practice and game.

Each of the 10 games in the season will be played at Siebel Soccer Complex Tuesday/Thursday evenings June 11 -  August 1. Time and location of practices are at the coach's discretion.

Children born any day/month in 2018 - 2006 are eligible to play this summer.
Proof of age must be provided for players new to AYSO-GF (upload a copy of their birth certificate during registration). At least one parent must attend one of the Mandatory 30 minute parent meetings (time & place TBA).

Volunteers  Needed!
There are many positions available to meet your skills and availability including
Board positions
Snack Shack & Merchandise  
Field Prep and take down
AYSO-GF is entirely volunteer-run. Without volunteers, there is no program. Please consider coaching your child’s team, signing up to referee, help mark fields, or volunteering in another way!! Contact the Regional Commissioner, Gary Gomez ([email protected]) for more information, or sign up as a volunteer during online registration.

Registration Information

There will be NO in-person registration

REGISTRATION IS March 10 - April 14, 2024
There will be NO late registration.
If you wish to register after April 14, you will be put on a waitlist
and may be called based on availability.


·  Boys and girls born in 2008 – 2018 (any day/month). The AYSO year runs August 1 - July 31, therefore this is still Membership Year 2023 and the division a child will be placed in will be determined based on their age as of December 31, 2024.

·  Proof of age must be provided for players NEW to AYSO-GF (upload copy of birth certificate during online registration).

  • 6U (born in 2016-17): $70 per player plus service fee.
  • 8U and older (born in 2009-2016): $90 per player plus service fee

·  Registration fee is non-refundable. Refer to 'no refund policy'.

·  Fee includes jersey, shorts & socks. Player must supply own shin guards and athletic shoes or soccer cleats (no shoes with toe cleats).

·  Games: Tuesday / Thursday evenings, June 11th through August 1st at Siebel Soccer Complex.

·  COACHES NEEDED! Training is provided. Please consider coaching your child’s team or volunteering in another way -- make a difference, have fun, get a free shirt! Contact the Regional Commissioner for more information or to sign up as a volunteer.

·  Questions?   Contact AYSO-GF Assistant Regional Commissioner Gary Gomez at [email protected].

LIKE our Facebook page (AysoRegion674GF) to stay up-to-date with our program!


How to register, step-by-step

Step #1 - Click on “Register” on the top right corner.

Step #2 – Complete the Primary Parent/Guardian Information

Step #3 – Optional**** Click on the “+ Add Secondary Account Holder”. This will allow both parents access to the child’s team portal.

Step #4 – Click on the Blue “Register Now” button on the top right of the Account page.

Step #5 – Add the player information for each child you are registering.

Step #6 – Choose the program that you would like to sign your child up for.

Step #7 – Enter the requested information about your child.

Step #8 – You will need to e-sign the player application.

Step #9 – Choose the volunteer position you are willing to help with and complete the required information for volunteers.

Step #10 – You will need to e-sign the volunteer application.

Step #11 – Pay the fees for the programs that you selected.

Step #12 – Attend one of the mandatory parent meetings (typically scheduled late April/early May) to get important season information. Bring birth certificate for any child(ren) new to AYSO-GF program.

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Contact Us

AYSO-Great Falls

Great Falls, Montana  

Email Us: [email protected]
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